Jacquie Jacob

Jacquie Jacob

Dr. Jacquie Jacob, University of Kentucky

Jacquie is a poultry Extension associate at the University of Kentucky and works with all types of poultry production from backyard flocks to large commercial operations.

Jacquie received her B.S. in poultry management from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. After completing her degree she spent four and a half years working on a poultry project in Mozambique, Africa. She received her master’s and doctorate from UBC in monogastric nutrition. Although her doctorate is from UBC, Jacquie completed her Ph.D. research at the University of Nairobi in Kenya.

Jacquie has worked with poultry Extension programs in Florida, Minnesota, and currently in Kentucky.

Contact Information

Jacquie Jacob, Ph.D.
Extension Project Manager
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
University of Kentucky

Email: Jacquie.jacob@uky.edu