John Deere Sprayers

John Deere Sprayers


This sprayer is being transported from the field to a shed for storage and the boom has been retracted to make maneuvering easier.


This sprayer is spraying pesticides on a cotton crop with a 120ft boom. The operator is able to utilize his time and farm at night because of the GPS technology and variable rate control. The farmer does not have to actually see the field he can trust that his equipment will handle that task for him.


  • A sprayer[1] is a piece of equipment that applies herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to agricultural crops.
  • Sprayers range in size from man-portable units (typically backpacks with spray guns) to self-propelled units such as row gators[2] and high boys[3] seen above.
  • Along with the GPS[4] technology of the previous machines, the rowgator contains variable rate technology[5].

    • This means the farmer can input a map of the field into the system containing obstacles in the field and the sprayer will adjust the flow and output of fertilizer or herbicides according to what the farmer has told the machine to do.
    • This helps the farmer to not spray the same areas twice.
    • It also is a great way to be environmental friendly and avoid spraying chemicals into a stream and it saves the farmer money in product costs.