What is a topographic map?

A topographic map shows the physical features of Earth. These features can be mountains, rivers, lakes, valleys, craters, and more. Man-made features such as roads may also be included.

In addition to physical features, a topographic map shows the …

Can I eat bugs??

Beekeepers practice apiculture | Photo by Sarah Bernard

Yes, you can eat bugs! As long as you dont have a shellfish allergy, that is. In fact, you already eat insects and products made from insects every day

What is a map?

A map is designed to represent a variety of information. Some maps show where roads are located. Others show the location of tourist attractions or local landmarks. Other maps show weather patterns.  

The objects on a map are indicated by …

What is geospatial technology?

Geospatial technology refers to equipment used to measure and analyze Earth’s land and features. Systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) are used in geospatial work. “Geo” is a prefix that comes from a Greek …

What is a satellite?

A man-made satellite is a machine that is launched into space. It orbits or moves around Earth or another body in space. There are thousands of satellites that orbit Earth. Some of these satellites take pictures of Earth to help …

What is geocaching?

Geocaching is a worldwide treasure-hunting game. In geocaching, people hide a cache (pronounced like “cash”) for others to find. Remember that geo means Earth, and caching is the process of hiding a cache.

A cache …