4-H Learning Network – Mission and Vision


The mission of eXtension is to provide an Internet-based educational partnership of 1862 and 1890 institutions of the Land-Grant university system that help people improve their lives by providing access to objective research-based information and learning opportunities.

The mission

What is a bug?

Fulgorid planthopper, Honduras. Photo by Sarah Bernard

What we commonly call bugs is actually an entire order of insects called Hemiptera. True bugs are different from other insects. Their mouthparts are specialized to suck plant juices, the blood of birds,

What is an entomologist?

Exhibit Termites Eat Your Home! produced by University of Florida outreach programs. Photo by Sarah Bernard

An entomologist is a scientist that studies insects and how they interact with their environment. Knowing how insects behave and interact with …

What is a map?

A map is designed to represent a variety of information. Some maps show where roads are located. Others show the location of tourist attractions or local landmarks. Other maps show weather patterns.  

The objects on a map are indicated by …